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What is the World Editors Forum?

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What is the World Editors Forum?

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The World Editors Forum is the leading network for print and digital editors of newspapers and news organisations around the world. It is built on a commitment to defend press freedom and promote editorial excellence.

We are at the forefront of newsroom change. We help editors from all over the world, and at different stages of transition, shape their newsrooms and the journalism of the future. We do so by identifying newsroom innovation, trends, tools and practices. We share intelligence through our daily blog, networking events, conferences, research and study tours.

The World Editors Forum is an established network with a 20-year history of connecting editors on issues that matter. We are part of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers which represents more than 18,000 publications, 15,000 online sites and over 3,000 companies in more than 120 countries.

Access to our extensive and influential networks will ensure you, as an editor, are connected, informed, represented, defended and protected when needed.


Gordon Steiger's picture

Gordon Steiger


2012-10-03 15:57

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Emma Goodman's picture

Emma Goodman


2011-04-11 15:59

The World Editors Forum is the leading network for print and digital editors of newspapers and news organisations around the world. It is built on a commitment to defend press freedom and promote editorial excellence. Read more ...